Election Day 2020

Here at G & G Law, one of our core values is “highest ethics.” As lawyers licensed in Illinois, we’re obviously bound by the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct (“Illinois Rules”), and we take that responsibility seriously.  Our “highest ethics” core value goes even further, though. In everything we do, we consider whether it is the right thing to [...]

2020-11-02T08:31:21-06:00November 2nd, 2020|Our Firm|

Shonda Rhimes: The Face of the Future of Business

Post written by Ian Saderholm I first heard the name “Shonda Rhimes” in college. My friends were raving about this new hit drama called How to Get Away With Murder. I never watched it, so I took merely passing notice. Later she popped up again with Scandal, another show not on my watchlist, though this time the name stuck. [...]

2020-10-30T15:38:42-05:00October 30th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Can I Make My Employee Wear a Mask Under the ADA?

Face masks are required in Illinois. Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities recognized by the ADA. Accommodations regarding masks vary by situation, but the ADA is not a blanket protection against wearing a mask. Can I Make My Employee Wear a Mask Under the ADA? Public health requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic have caused [...]

2020-10-07T10:34:12-05:00October 7th, 2020|Employers, Employment Issues, Small Business Law|

Illinois Dispensary Licenses Disappoint

After months of delays, Illinois finally released top scores for coveted cannabis dispensary licenses. The 75 available licenses went to only 21 companies. These companies will be entered into a lottery, which the state will hold next month. The scoring process and implementation of the law have come under intense scrutiny. Allegations of unfair scoring and mismanagement of the [...]

2020-09-23T12:05:50-05:00September 23rd, 2020|Cannabis|

IDFPR Cracking Down: PLLC vs. LLC

PLLCs now required. Professionals licensed by the IDFPR: there has been a major change to the LLC statute in Illinois. It likely affects you and your business. Previously, licensed professionals were able to form their businesses as LLCs. Now, these businesses must register as a Professional LLC (PLLC). This change went largely unenforced, but no longer. Attention IDFPR [...]

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