Creating Employee Handbooks- A List of Possible Sections

Interested in the possibility of creating an employee handbook? A bit lost on where to start? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. When companies grow and add new employees, they may find that they have a lot of company policies, procedures, and other information that they need to give their employees. One way to give employees a lot of [...]

Creating Employee Handbooks- Some Dos and Don’ts

What is an Employee Handbook, and do I need one? No, Illinois employers are not legally required to create an Employee Handbook. Creating a handbook might be an expensive and drawn-out procedure that isn’t really necessary, especially in small companies. However, there are some benefits to creating one. You can read more about when we recommend employee handbooks, [...]

2024-09-19T05:31:23-05:00December 6th, 2013|Contracts/Documents, Employers, Small Business Law|
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