• Many employers are required to put up employment posters in their workplaces.
  • National, state, and local agencies require and issue these posters.
  • The posters required will vary depending on a few factors, including the business’s industry and size.

The Federal Department of Labor (DOL), the State of Illinois, and the city of Chicago each require that employers display certain official employment posters where employees can readily observe them. Each agency provides the posters at no cost to the employer on its website.

This article includes links to each poster online, and you can also search the poster name. You should be taken to a direct link for a PDF of the poster or a government site with a description and link to the poster.

This article was last updated on August 28th, 2024.

All Employers With Employees Working in Chicago

  • Chicago Office of Labor Standards Public Notice (An updated version should be available prior to July 1, 2024 when the new Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave goes into effect.)
    • Includes information on the current minimum wage, paid sick leave, wage theft, and human trafficking laws that apply to employees working in the city of Chicago.
    • This must also be provided to each employee with their first paycheck and annually with a paycheck issued within 30 days of July 1st.

All Employers

Required for all Illinois employers


Some Illinois Construction Contractors

Required for all Illinois construction contractors utilizing independent contractors

  • Employee Classification Act of 2008
    • Provides an overview of the act (described above under independent contractor section)
    • This notice must be posted in English, Spanish, and Polish.
  • Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act
    • In addition to the general provisions of the Act, it provides for additional liability for certain private sector general contractors for subcontractor’s employees


All Public Sector Employers

Required for all public sector employers

  • Occupational Safety and Health Act
    • This law provides workplace safety and health protections for public employees through enforcement of occupational safety and health standards and education about safe working conditions and occupational hazards.


All Employers with 50+ Employees

Required for all employers with 50 or more employees

All Day and Temporary Labor Service Agencies

Required for all day and temporary labor service agencies

Employers who provide group health coverage

  • Consumer Coverage Disclosure Act
    • There is not a required poster for this one, but employers are required to provide certain information to their employees.


Required for Employers in Chicago engaged in building services, healthcare, hotel, manufacturing, restaurant, retail, and warehouse services)

  • Fair Workweek
    • Provides notice of the requirements for Chicago’s Fair Workweek Ordinance
      • This must also be provided to each employee with their first paycheck and annually with a paycheck issued within 30 days of July 1st.

If you have questions about your employment setup, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! We provide a wide range of employment solutions for small businesses. Learn all about what we can do here.

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